Rack structure inspection

The purpose of the rack structure inspection using 3D scanning technology

To use the data to analyze the movement of the column and the current condition of the rack

After processing all the point groups with a high-performance computer the 3D image from the analysis can be displayed as shown in the figure

Rack structure inspection, ตรวจสอบโครงสร้างชั้นวางสินค้า

Fieldwork with 3D object scanners with laser light

The fieldwork team will collect data according to the structure points that have been specified and set up the 3D scanner, which will be carried out by    A team of experts from the Civil Engineering Department, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

3D object scanners

Evaluation of Structural Column Movement Distance

The consideration of structural column movement distance is done by using 3D point cloud data for evaluating movement distance by computer program. The method of measuring distance starts from creating grid level according to the height of each rack structure.

Evaluation of Structural


Report on analysis of the movement distance of column 52 Line A, which has the analysis results as shown in the figure will show the movement distance of the analyzed structural column as a graph for considering and comparing the results

Report on analysis